When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I've been thinkin bout you lately.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Sunday, June 17, 2012


Always Say A Prayer.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Confession#4: Hair cut

I have a confession..

 I have only been at a barbershop twice in my whole freakin life.. And i was around 9 or 10 yrs old, last time i was there..
I'm so lucky, that i have a uncle who can cut hair, and he has been my personal "barber" ever since i was a kid.. He's not a barber or something like that, but he learned it by a friend,  so we didn't have to pay alot of money to go to the barbershop, cause here in Norway, a haircut cost around 35 USD (and it's the cheapest one u can find)..
 I'm satisfied with my uncle's works on my hair, better than the two times i was at a barbershop.. ALOT better!

Anywho, since my first year in college i began to cut my own hair, by myself, Cause i didn't want to bother him. so i decided to try it by my own, so i don't have to be depending on my uncle, cause he's got his own things to do etc, Plus, i think it's good for the future, when i establish my own family and that kinda shit.. Gonna save alot of money by being a Selfmade barber.. lol!
I got alot of tips by my uncle, and helped me alot too!

And now, im the barber of my lil brother, AJ and my cousin, Derick.. I'm not good, but i try my best.. haha.. i don't pressure them to take a haircut by me, they just come and ask me if i can, or i ask them if they want a haircut..

*And for those who think that it's an great idea to cut your (or others) hair, so you/they can save up some money, Good luck, Cause hair is not a game.. haha.. but always have a backup for what you're doing, for example if you'll try to do a specific hairstyle, and it would fail, u gotta have a plan B!*

Friday, June 15, 2012

Don't be racist.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Independence day x Papz Bday

Happy bday to my idol, my dad! 49 yrs young!

And happy independence day too Philippines!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fixed Decision


Bob Arums work...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Waitin' & lookin'

Waiting & looking for the perfect opening to make a step.. lol.
But i should just take it as it comes..

As they say, "Come what may"
What happens, happens.

Friday, June 8, 2012


The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!? #2

"The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!?" is where i think something/someone does something that either are weird, effd up, idiotic etc. or even worse.. all of them.. lol.. 
I decided to start to write something like that, after a horde of people freaking running like it was the end of the world, when J.Bieber had concert here in Oslo on may 30th, 2012..

The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!? #2
 Look at this video, and tell me that it's not idiotic..


I mean i know for them it's adrenaline rush, but they're playing with the death right there.. risking the most valuable gift from God (our life)..
And yeah, everyday is a risk in someones life, but this type of risk should not be attempted at all, in my opinion..
But anywho, it's their life at risk, and theirs choices to make..May God be with you guys.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Nike Air Yeezy 2

Woow, i just gotta have this shoes.. unique & cool..

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Gotta work on my discipline..

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

2 weeks left!

I got 2 weeks left of my whole bachelor education, and then i'm officially authorized registered nurse in Norway,
scary, exciting and challenging.. mixed up emotions.. Just glad i'll be done, after 16 years of education, non-stop... i can finally say that im free.. and it's time for the real world.. Focus, Learn, Succeed!

I'm a proud cousin!

My cousin, Jiah, who won "holmlia stjernejakt" (<-- click it, to see her sing her way to the 1st. place), performed at Holmlia Vær stolt.. Singing a Mash-up acoustic cover of  "i found love (rihanna)/dynamite(taio cruz)" & her original song "Im there"..

All i can say is that im proud of you! keep it up!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

words. music.

Confession#3: Social Anxiety

I have a confession..

- a "short" story of my life with S.A.

Ever since i was a kid, i had always problem of meeting other people, i thought it was hard to start a conversations with people, i couldnt even look them in the eyes,  i was silent most of the time when i was with people, everytime we had oral presentation in school, i was very nervous and about to faint everytime, i couldn't sleep well the day before every presentation, i was alway worrying what people would say if it do that and this etc, and would be embarrest if i ever did something wrong or foolish, and could've nagging on that for a while..

I honestly thought it was just shyness, cause everytime a friend of my parents ask them why i didn't talk to much or something like that, they always say that i was only shy..so i thought i just was a shyguy..

When i was studying "caregiver" on high school, and had a lecture about social anxiety. And it hit me, and felt that i had some of those symptoms etc. From that second on, i knew i might have a weak form of social anxiety. I have never been diagnosed for Social Anxiety, but after years of studying within "health and science", i have my thoughts and opinion.. But as a highschooler, i didn't want to tell anybody that i had a weak form of Social Anxiety, cause i think it was lame, so i kept my mouth shut and just decided to work on it..

It was first when i got into college and studied nursing, i "revealed"/"admit" (or whatever you would say) that i have a weak form of Social Anxiety.. It's because i learned more about it, and really think that it's good for me to not "hide" it..

Anywho, when i got older ( from highschool + *17 yrs old*, to be more specific)  i got better to handle my anxiety, for instant i think it's not so scary to have a presentation in school, and i don't care what people think if i do this and that (or atleast not as much as i was before), or if a do something foolish, i don't think about it as much as i did. I wasn't struggling on the anxiety as much when i was younger..

Now, i think i handle things much better, even though, i still have a weak form of it (but not as much that it's bothering me all the time..) I still think is kinda hard to have conversations with new people or people i usually don't meet often, i do sometimes worry what people think of me etc etc.
The weirdest thing is, i could talk to a girl, and be really close to that person, but when i suddenly fall for the person, it's like i'm back at square one, and the anxiety comes back, and starts to overthink, nervous, feeling like i could faint, etc.. the feeling like i'm not myself.. So yeah, that's what i gotta work more on..

The reason that im writing this, is for terapeutical use for myself..
*And for those who have a social anxiety, all i can say is, it will be better, as long as you work on it.. I can't tell and say that it's it easy to overcome the anxiety, for it is not,
And i cant even imagine how hard it is for those people who really have a major social anxiety, that the anxiety is taking over your life.. I only hope and pray for you guys, and i think it will be better, it's only takes time..be patience, and work hard :)*

Poster in the making.

We were at my bro's school just for some minutes ago, Yes midnight schooling.. lolz..
fixing my poster at the moment, *With Big Big Big Big creds, to my big bro, who helped me alot! lol, he did ALL the work, must i say! he's the BAWS, thanks alot mr.Jagger!

The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!? #1

"The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!?" is where i think something/someone does something that either are weird, effd up, idiotic etc. or even worse.. all of them.. lol.. 
I decided to start to write something like that, after a horde of people freaking running like it was the end of the world, when J.Bieber had concert here in Oslo on may 30th, 2012..

The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!? #1

This one, Geez.. How is it even possible.. HAHAHA..
it's like "friday by rebecca black" and times it with 300,
and then you know, there's something wrong in this world we live in!

But anywho.. This is my opinion... Maybe(?) somebody is really into that song..
but for me, all i can say is.. what the "#¤¤% is happening to this world..

Friday, June 1, 2012

Poster- day. Best day evuuuh or what.. lol

I'm at my big bro's crib ATM, far away from Oslo, cause im fine polishing my poster, and then print it on my bro's school, cause they got better printer than my school..

Anywho, this day kind of been a nice day, so far.. hope more of those days comes more often..

Chillin' with the best people, what more can i ask for right now..Life's good!

Mission Completed = 8/8

1. Nursing Home
2. Hospital Surgery
3. Hospital Medicine
4. Community nursing
5. Psychiatry
6. 4 days -observation internship (hospice, rehab. etc)
7. internship with a focus on diaconal
8. Specialization Internship

Finally done with my last internship on my bachelor degree, and in 2 weeks, imma be a nurse here i Norway! then the real education starts.. hehe!

I wanna give thanks to Him up there, Cause' without Him it could'nt do it! So Give thanks to the lord, for that is right! Salamat po (thank you in tagalog)!

I only got the posterpresentation and the other presentation about our internship.. and then the graduation ceremony!

Time goes so fast1