When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It was worth being up whole night!

Damn.. the boxing match was hella' dirty.. and just wrong in any different way..!

You'll just HAVE to see it... i mean.. damn..

I'll admit that Mayweather is still good as hell.. but he's one of a kind..i mean a good boxer, but not a champion worthy dude, where's the sportmanship?.. what he did was just wrong.. But, he has in the middle of the heat.. he took the punch when he got the shot.. it was a cheap shot though.. But then again what Ortiz did, was also wrong.. haha so Ortiz got what he deserved? But the referee!? WTH.. he was on another planet or something..lol!
Here's the vid:

HAHA look at this too... LOL

MAYWEATHER VS. PACQUIAO... that's what all the fans want..