When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

one week left..

Only 1 week till my first exam in my second year of nursing.. and the exam is about pathology (about diseases/ sykdomslære in norwegian).. So it's literally all from dizziness to heart attack, from alchocol abuse to cirrhosis..

I can't believe that i have exam this early in the semester.. the school just began 1 month ago!

I'll hope that i pass the exam, but i expect that i will fail this one, because i dont have the motivation and the concentration i need to nail this freakin' exam.
plus my mind isn't back from the summervacation yet..lol..

But i'm always like this.. i lack off, every first and last 2 months of a schoolyear..
sooo IF i fail this.. i'll nail the next one soooo hard that the teachers wondering how i got from Fail to Awesome!

chagga' bwoi xD!