When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Poster- day. Best day evuuuh or what.. lol

I'm at my big bro's crib ATM, far away from Oslo, cause im fine polishing my poster, and then print it on my bro's school, cause they got better printer than my school..

Anywho, this day kind of been a nice day, so far.. hope more of those days comes more often..

Chillin' with the best people, what more can i ask for right now..Life's good!

Mission Completed = 8/8

1. Nursing Home
2. Hospital Surgery
3. Hospital Medicine
4. Community nursing
5. Psychiatry
6. 4 days -observation internship (hospice, rehab. etc)
7. internship with a focus on diaconal
8. Specialization Internship

Finally done with my last internship on my bachelor degree, and in 2 weeks, imma be a nurse here i Norway! then the real education starts.. hehe!

I wanna give thanks to Him up there, Cause' without Him it could'nt do it! So Give thanks to the lord, for that is right! Salamat po (thank you in tagalog)!

I only got the posterpresentation and the other presentation about our internship.. and then the graduation ceremony!

Time goes so fast1