When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Monday, October 4, 2010

HAHA! for a second, i thought it was real.. or is it real!?

lol it's just a joke.. (Or is it?)
so to all of you Justin bieber-fans out there.. you can keep liking him.. or?.. hahahha!

A week with..

Assignments.. (-_-')

Have an assignment about children on hospital..
I'm writing about what nurses should be aware of children with cancer.
And I've got a teacher that is known for failing students.. hahaha..
But even though she's strict, she's a good teacher though.
Got a lot of help about what to write and what's important to have on my assignment.. no hatin' on that!

I just hope that I'll be finished writing this before the deadline and the teacher approve my assignment..