When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Monday, March 5, 2012

250 remaining.. My brain is dead..continue with the bachelor tomorrow..

400 words left. and the procrastination begins..

I'm only 400 words left until my discussion is DONE! i dont know what more i should write!

I'm siting here and procrastinate. No clue what more to write..
Discussion is the hardest part on writing the bachelor exam and in any other papers, for that matter.. And to be honest i don't know if my discussion is good enough.. And as the day comes and goes, and it's closer to the deadline, I'm beginning to doubt if i chose the right subject to write in my bachelor exam.. It's not because i don't like the subject.. but the fact that i ended up with a strict teacher.. hahaha.. i'm so terrified of failing this one.. Since i began in college i have been struggling and workin' hard to assure that i'll finish my education as soon as possible.. So i really hope i'll pass this..