When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!? #1

"The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!?" is where i think something/someone does something that either are weird, effd up, idiotic etc. or even worse.. all of them.. lol.. 
I decided to start to write something like that, after a horde of people freaking running like it was the end of the world, when J.Bieber had concert here in Oslo on may 30th, 2012..

The world is Craay! Are y'all for realz!? #1

This one, Geez.. How is it even possible.. HAHAHA..
it's like "friday by rebecca black" and times it with 300,
and then you know, there's something wrong in this world we live in!

But anywho.. This is my opinion... Maybe(?) somebody is really into that song..
but for me, all i can say is.. what the "#¤¤% is happening to this world..

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