When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sept.9-> WATCH OUT!

I Have my exam on september 9! it's about 19 days to go..? more or less

I haven't started to read yet..haha.. im gonna die! but yeah i'll promise myself that i start to review this upcoming week!

Wish me luck =)

Typical? FML! xD!

OMFG!? it's so typical that once i get new things.. old things get destroyed..
FFS man, heres goes the freakin story..
i got new cellphone and laptop from my parents, right (advanced bday gift). And then once i turned on my new laptop, then my PC (Stasjonær) is goin loco.. it suddenly froze, i couldn't turn it off.. after a while it turned off by itself.. and now i can't turn it on?

So i'm concidering buying a new PC, bcuz PC is kinda big in my everyday life..for schoolwork etc.
yeah, i have this laptop.. but this laptop doesn't have so much GB and tht shit..
And i got my salary today, yeeehey? i had plan to save it up..

My dilemma is, if i should use my 8k (which i earned after working for only one week) to buy a new PC.. Or save up the money and just gettin' jiggy with this laptop while im hoping that a miracle comes and fix my PC.. plz, let it be a miracle!!

I got Samsung wave.. actually the cellphone was for my brother. but he didn't want it so i took it =)

And the laptop that i got is a Samsung N150... Yehuup, getting some Samsung fever ATM..
So this laptop came with another cellphone (it was on sale, tele2, i think?), Samsung Monte (that was actually to me, but yeah i got the other one instead)..

What to do, what to do.. spend up my salary or wootz...