When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

2 weeks left!

I got 2 weeks left of my whole bachelor education, and then i'm officially authorized registered nurse in Norway,
scary, exciting and challenging.. mixed up emotions.. Just glad i'll be done, after 16 years of education, non-stop... i can finally say that im free.. and it's time for the real world.. Focus, Learn, Succeed!

I'm a proud cousin!

My cousin, Jiah, who won "holmlia stjernejakt" (<-- click it, to see her sing her way to the 1st. place), performed at Holmlia Vær stolt.. Singing a Mash-up acoustic cover of  "i found love (rihanna)/dynamite(taio cruz)" & her original song "Im there"..

All i can say is that im proud of you! keep it up!