When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Missin basketball + Bball commercial.

Jordan commercial

nike basketball

Oh, how i miss playin' basketball..
need to go back to form first though, i have bad conditions ATM.. xD! im a lazy ass!

Surgery here i come!

So today i got the news from my school that I'll have my first Hospital internship in a surgery department..! haha..a surgery nurse intern, foo shoo!

It's my second year as a nursing student.. and I'd only had intern in nursing homes.. so it's kinda different routines and methods than what they do in nursing homes..
i'll meet new people everyday and stuff i'll guess, some of them may be angry and some of them nice.. i surely hope that they're nice..
Anywho, I'm excited and nervous at the same time though..

The downside bout' it, is that the hospital I'd ended up on is far from home.. so i gotta get used to wake up early.. But it's alright.. that's life, you know..
Wished i had the money and the motivation to start with my driver license.

but yeah, the internship doesn't start before october 25.. and i'll be there in 7 weeks.. oct.25 - dec.17..

So before that it's just information, training and knowledge about working on a hospital in school.. so during that time im gettin' my scrubs on!
cuz, I'm no superman..