When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Movies that i've seen =)

My ratings

Inception: 9.0/10
Splice: 6.0/10
A-Team: 8.5/10
Toystory 3: 9.0/10
Bounty hunter: 8.0/10

Friday, August 27, 2010

My opinion bout' The Expendables

So alright i watched the movie almost a week ago (Sunday Aug.22)
Like, finally they made a movie with many veteran actors together.. damn..
Sylvester stallone (Rocky Balboa, Rambo)
Jet li (Kiss of the dragon, forbidden kingdom)
Jason statham (Transporter, Death race)
Dolph lundgren (Rocky IV, Universal soldier: regeneration)
Randy couture ( Red alert, scorpion king)
Terry crews (Longest yard, gamer)
Mickey rourke (iron man 2 , the wrestler)
Steve "Stonecold" Austin ( WWE wrestler)
etc etc.
+ + Cameo appearance of Arnold Schwarzenegger ( Terminator, jingle all the way)
and Bruce Willis (Die hard, Cop out)

To be honest, i expected more.. i don't know what more i can expect.
Maybe longer movie? better story? I mean the action was there for sure.. But there something that was missin' and the story went to fast, i think..

NB! Some actors i think the movie should've add, is Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Denzel Washington and Gerard Butler.. seriously, for the first they're also veterans ( except G.Butler, but i think he's a new comer), and for the second the tension of the movie would've been electrifying!

But it's a "MUST - SEE" movie for those who like action..
i'll give the movie 6.5 / 10


I can't sleep.. it's 2.25 am.. was busy fixing the new PC..
But anyways.. For those who don't know..

Jejemon is a pop culture phenomenon in the Philippines. According to the Urban Dictionary a Jejemon is a person "who has managed to subvert the English language to the point of incomprehensibility and online lynch squads." The Philippine Daily Inquirer describes Jejemons as a "new breed of hipsters who have developed not only their own language and written text but also their own sub-culture and fashion." - Wikipedia.

So jejemon is a thing that some filipino use when they texting to someone, they extends word such by using numbers and other characthers like |< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhc4kEkSwANq3B6oYj_IjxsXqGYKVkGxwBuiFkMlKtjT-StrcsmX1B1E9oDZOx62pcrzTYcTbR_5mZcIeU64hEbGoSJ1QC6CH_DigupoWskLoyS28oh1ygx98gXM3qIj3dVPRXtEb8X4o4/s1600/jejemon-question.jpg">

sow wh@t chou th!nk? jejeje, fr3hkhiN krazhy $tuff ryt (0_o)

My new PC =)

Samsung Syncmaster xl2370 - 23" inch led monitor!
HP Pavilion Elite =)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Cannot Waaait ! ! ! !

Here's the thing.. I've always bought NBA Live (now NBA elite).. To be honest they haven't delivered their A-game, these last several years serie ( from NBA live 06' - 10') ... But now, they've changed their name to "NBA elite", and "aims to revolutionize how gamers ( A.K.A. me)take to the court".. woord up!

While NBA 2k, have i never bought before, but the 2k series have always dominated bball games in ps3 & xbox360, as i heard.. but it's unusual for me to play 2k because of different control config. But i was strongly recommended to start buyingthe 2k's instead of live' ( now elite) by a friend..

Anyways, i though of buying both this year.. haha.. if i have cashmoney.. (^^,)
I really cannot wait!

NBA 2k11
Release date --> october 5 2010

NBA elite 11
Release date --> october xx? 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chris Brown - For Your Love

decision made!

from my recently post about my dilemma, if whether i should spend up my salary to buy new pc ( because the old one suddenly died) or just save the cash and wait for miracles to happen with the old pc.. It didn't come any miracles so i decided to use my cashmoney to buy new pc.. So yeah i've ordered ah really good pc, HP pavilion elite. I added new pc screen too, Samsung syncmaster..

I used more than i'd earned.. So im hurting, for real.. My pocket freaking hurts..haha.. but yeah tht's life.. Im expecting to get it, in a few days.. so i just have to keep out with this laptop in few more days =)

School again tommorow..
weekends goes too fast, why couldn't weekdays do it instead..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sept.9-> WATCH OUT!

I Have my exam on september 9! it's about 19 days to go..? more or less

I haven't started to read yet..haha.. im gonna die! but yeah i'll promise myself that i start to review this upcoming week!

Wish me luck =)

Typical? FML! xD!

OMFG!? it's so typical that once i get new things.. old things get destroyed..
FFS man, heres goes the freakin story..
i got new cellphone and laptop from my parents, right (advanced bday gift). And then once i turned on my new laptop, then my PC (Stasjonær) is goin loco.. it suddenly froze, i couldn't turn it off.. after a while it turned off by itself.. and now i can't turn it on?

So i'm concidering buying a new PC, bcuz PC is kinda big in my everyday life..for schoolwork etc.
yeah, i have this laptop.. but this laptop doesn't have so much GB and tht shit..
And i got my salary today, yeeehey? i had plan to save it up..

My dilemma is, if i should use my 8k (which i earned after working for only one week) to buy a new PC.. Or save up the money and just gettin' jiggy with this laptop while im hoping that a miracle comes and fix my PC.. plz, let it be a miracle!!

I got Samsung wave.. actually the cellphone was for my brother. but he didn't want it so i took it =)

And the laptop that i got is a Samsung N150... Yehuup, getting some Samsung fever ATM..
So this laptop came with another cellphone (it was on sale, tele2, i think?), Samsung Monte (that was actually to me, but yeah i got the other one instead)..

What to do, what to do.. spend up my salary or wootz...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's Better If You Don't Understand

Yesssur.. new(?) artist with nice music.. Well i'll guess u know him by the dude who's featured on the songs "Nothin on you" by B.o.B and "Billionaire" by Travis Mccoy..?
Bruno Mars it is..
Did u know that he co-wrote the hits "Right round (Flo rida)" and "Wavin flag (K'naan)".. i didn't knew either..
And Cee lo Greens "Fu*k you", he's a part of making the song too.. chaos!

So Bruno have his own Album, called "It's Better If You Don't Understand" and "Doo-wop & Hooligans"..
And the debut single "Just the way you are".. You've gotta hear his songs.. it's really cool.. Some of his songs reminds me a little bit of Jason Mraz's songs.. =)

Here's his debut single..

U like!?
Here's some other song that got me hooked =)

Dancing in the mirror
All about you
Count on me
Who is
Somewhere in Brooklyn
When you're lonely
Lazy song
The other side

Monday, August 16, 2010

Summer vac's over and back to school!

The summer vacation went too fast, and i didn't do anything special.. just were at home for the most of the time this year.. Well it's back to school for me now.. i'm in my second schoolyear (college it is)..

i'll have my first exam already in 3 weeks..truestory.
Killer huh..!

Annyyywho, i'm kinda keen to buy a pair of shoes =) not just any shoe, but Nike Zoom Hyperfuse.. Watcha watcha'

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

13 hrs of work really can kill ur feet..

ouff! worked 13 hrs today as a parking guard? (Parkeringsvakt).. yeah yeah but i'll get some caaaashmooooney.. but sadly those will end up for school stuff, i think =/..

Good night!

Have a good day =)

off 2 work.. d-_-b

Monday, August 9, 2010

"So hollar at me"

Hahaha xD! is it just me or do you think that the parody of old spice commercial by Timothy DeLaGhetto AKA Traphik is hella funny!?

Here's the original Old spice commercial..

And this is DeLaGhetto's parody of the commercial:

Hahaha what'cha think!?

Hello world.

Eyo! this blog is just a random blog =)
i will post random videos, picture, news and thoughts..