When Randomness Hits My Mind.

Friday, December 31, 2010

the best.


Happy new year! 2010--> 2011

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Picture

Just a few Xmas picture..

This was one of our Christmas food this year, Its "tapsilog".. Really missed tapsilog so i asked my Grandparents if they could make it this christmas.. so yup i got what i wanted. =)

Living room!

Our Christmas tree this year.. woot woot!

Wished ya'll had a great Christmas! & Hope you'll have a blasting new year!
God bless!

LoL Picture.. This is me btw xD! Hope u didn't get blind..

Friday, December 24, 2010

"You'z a Ho, Ho, Ho!" - A Holiday Acoustic Freestyle

Merry christmas.

Wish you all a merry merry christmas! hope you'll have a good one!
god bless y'all!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Great time.

Had a great weekend with my famz..
It's been a long time since we got together like this..i mean eating on a fancy restaurant & drive to sweden with some of the famz..i kinda missed it..
even though not all of them came, it was great!! Hope there will be family get- together soon again.

Having christmas feeling already!

I've one week of chillaxin before the school starts to K.I.L.L. me again! gotta save all my energy up u know (^^,)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas vacation!

i had my christmas vacation already on tuesday dec.14 xD!
I'm gonna rest to the max before the next semester starts..

And wooop woopp.. i got an interview about my application to Hawaii... the interview is in january 6th... good time to make a wonderful speech... haha sike,..
i'll take the interview as it comes.. (^^,)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Drink 'n'color


S#!+ happens!

Inspired by wordboner.com!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dead-end street.



rise and shiine!
lol, it's not actually shining.. but yeah I'm up early today to play some ball..
waah! haven't play for a long damn time now.. out of form.. wish me luck!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Confession#2: Tournament

I have a confession..

My confession is that long time ago,when i was younger, i wanted that NCCN (Naic Cavite Chapter in Norway) or other pinoy organization here in Norway to arrange an basketball tournament for filipinos here in Norway..
And last year, HIM up there gave what i wanted.. (Better late than never, riight?)

But yeah, i didn't got the chance to join the last year tournament because i didn't knew about the tournament before there were slightly a month left til the tournament..

But this year.. I''m trying to make a team.. And damn we need sponsors and that kinda sh*t..

Hope that i would make a team in time..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



Christmas Eve!


It's only 24 days left until Christmas Eve.. time goes by very fast..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quote #7

Monday, November 29, 2010

omg..so embarrassing..

Barcelona won el clasico.. omg! nightmare!
5 -0.... speechless..
haven't seen real madrid play like that this season.. it's their first lost in LaLiga this year.. so real still got a chance to be champions..
i have faith! they will win =)

El clasìco!

It's el clasìco time!
Real Madrid - Barcelona!

the managers- Who have the best tactics?

Mou vs. Pep

Who's the best footballer?

C.Ronaldo #7? L.Messi #10?

el Capìtanes

Damniiit! I can't wait.. I'm so excited and really ready to watch it, so i have free from my internship tomorrow xD!

Gonzalo Higuain will not play from that start because of injury or something like that.. it's sad.. but we have Benzema!
Hala Madrid!

My prediction is 1 -3 to RealMadrid!

messi will score for Barca.
Di maria, Ronaldo and Marcelo for Real..

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wintertime(-_-') = Champ-o-rado time!

damn it's snowing.. i hate snoow!
It's cold as ice, you'll get wet&sick. geez.. nightmare!

weather like this, makes Champorado (filipino food) a perfect meal..

Champorado is like a ricepudding with cocoa powder.. Really delicious.. It's almsot the same like what we in Norway eats in christmastime, "Julegrøt"(ricepudding).. but Champorado is much sweeter..

i like the name too.. CHAMPorado

Saturday, November 27, 2010



Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm tiiiireeed! Good Night!


Today, i bought myself a K.Bryant & D.Rose jersey.. haha.. always wanted a Bryant jersey for a long time now , but never wanted to use up my cashmoney. But Bryant jerssey is a MUST for me though.. my idol! =) I got Derrick Rose's jersey too, cause he's gonna be a big star in the future, so i might as well have it now + plus i like the way he play :P

I had Allen Iverson (#3 Sixers) jersey too, when i was younger.. but i gave it away... (i regret it)!!

I want some Michael Jordan (#23 Bulls), Jason Kidd (#5 Nets) & Rajon Rondo (#9 Celtic).


Hunger for NBA jerseys

.. Wanna buy some NBA jersey..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Ahh i'm feeling kinda siick these last days.. and now i got a headache too.. I have work (internship) today, late-shift from 14.30 - 22.00.. geez.. hope i'll be okey though..

Haven't slept much since we started to have internship.. so i gotta fix my circadian rhythms..

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy f33tz.

Oh how i miss Ph.

I was just reminiscing old times in Pinas a day ago or something with a friend..
And i realize that It's been a while since i was in the Philippines.. and i can't lie.. i really miss my homeland..Even though I'm born and raised here in Norway, i raised up with the filipino culture & tradition..

I'm happy and thankful that i live in Norway, because i know how hard it is to live in pinas.. But i really miss the shopping malls, my relatives, foods and the weather there..

Take me to the Philippines

Friday, November 19, 2010

Is it only just a dream?

I've been "addicted" to Pacman's fights and upcoming fights in the future (if he will ever fight again) lately.. so im sorry for that to all of you that reads my blog ATM and don't like boxing..

Manny Pacquiao who haves a stats like: 52 wins(38 KO), 3 loss and 2 draws
against Floyd Mayweather jr who have 41 wins (25 KO), 0 loss and 0 draws

Some would mean that Mayweather jr should entitled to be the #1 pound-for-pound boxer in the world. And others, like myself, means that Pacquiao is the #1 pound-for pound boxer in the world. Despite that Mayweather haves a "better" stats on the paper doesn't mean that he's better.. in fact, Pacman may have lost some fights, but Money mayweather will never break pacmans world title record.

I ain't sayin that Maywheater is a bad boxer or somethin like that, because i think he's a good boxer, and will be the toughest fight Pacquiao will ever fought (if this fight somehow would've happen).

Everyone who are interested in boxing either you're a boxer or just a fan of watching boxing would agreed with my if i say that Manny Pacquiao vs. Floyd Mayweather jr would be a dream match? But the question is, if this dream of mine (and many others) would become true..? or is it only just a dream?

JabbaWockeeZ Performed Live on Lopez Tonight

Best Dance Crew Ever.


I want this!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

O.R. tomorrow

Alriiighty then, im going to the O.R. (operating room) tomorrow to observe the doctors and nurses operate some patients..

Maybe i'll be working as a operating room nurse some day..Never know what the future brings us.

love is a battlefield.


Sunday, November 14, 2010


Im soooo tired, have slept less than i usually do..

It's only 40 days till Christmas!

The G.O.A.T. in Boxing!

The Greatest Of All Time..

Daaaaamn Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao did it again!
He's the first boxer ever to win 10 world titles in 8 different weight divisions (took this from Wikipedia)..

Ya'll can say what the hell you want, but i personally mean that Manny Pacquiao is the Greatest Boxer Of All Time.. I have soo much respect to Muhammad Ali (which i think was the G.O.A.T in boxing) but Pacquiao has written a amazing history in boxing! no one will ever break this record, EVER!

He's currently #1 Pound for Pound best boxer in the world. I'm so proud of you! You are truly the fighting pride of the Philippines, for realz!

To be honest, i was freakin nervous about this fight, because as i watched the "HBO Boxing after dark", (an program where they're showing a little "before - the- fight documentary" between the fighters) Margarito saw motivated and i saw that he really wanted to win this fight to show the people that he is a good boxer, and prove that he don't need the tape to win fights (IF he cheated? i dont want to accuse him for anything though) + margarito is bigger and taller.. and throws power punches..
But i've always have faith in Pacmans ability and i know that it takes a lot more than heights,weights and power before you can beat The Mexicutioner.. You've gotta have superpowers before defeating the Champ himself now a days! xD!

I'll give some props to Antonio Margarito for even fighting Manny Pacquiao and who didn't quit until the last bell rang..

But Pacquiao is one of a kind boxer.. he's not that "cocky / talk-a-lot" boxers like some certain boxer are *eheem ehem'*
He's a humble boxer who doesn't need to talk the talk to "walk the walk".. hes just walking through anyone and anything, without beginning to trashtalk other opponents and Win some World titles! waddap!

Blow by blow: Pacman vs. Margarito

And FYI..
Pacman Knows how to fight and whoop up faces really badly, he really knows how to do that sh*t, for sure.. Watcha watcha-->

BTW, i want this T-shirt! Pacman Knows! It's Christmas soon!*hint hint* whahaha xD!

What's next for Pacquiao!?
I hella' want to see a Pacquiao-Mayweather jr fight before Pacman retires from boxing and really have full focus on being congressman in the Philippines.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

little big planet gettin bigger.


Walking Touchdown

HAHAHHA! This one is the siickest touchdown ever... hahaha.. he just walk through the defense line, litterally..

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fighting Pride of the Philippines

Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao have a fight against Antonio Margarito on November 13, 2010..

Can't wait!

To be honest, i was hoping that it was a Pacquiao-Mayweather Fight instead..
"Pacquiao is a seven-division world champion, the first boxer in history to win nine world titles in seven different weight divisions. He is also the first boxer in history to win the lineal championship in four different weight classes. He was named "Fighter of the Decade" for the 2000s by the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA). He is also a three-time BWAA and The Ring "Fighter of the Year" in 2006, 2008 and 2009.
Currently, Pacquiao is the
WBO Welterweight World Champion (Super Champion) and is rated as the number 1 pound-for-pound best boxer in the world by several sporting news and boxing websites, including The Ring, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, NBC Sports, Yahoo! Sports and About.com".- Wikipedia

Pacmans stats

51 Wins (38 knockouts, 13 decisions), 3 Losses (2 by knockout, 1 by decision), 2 Draws

Anywho, I'll watch the fight on pay-per-view, November 14? 3am or something?! waddap!
I wish you luck Manny!

*Hope that there will be a M.Paquiao vs. F.Mayweather Jr. after this fight though..

*Picture's from deviantart & wikipedia*

Friday, November 5, 2010


Lol , i was laughing hard, the first time saw this video (looong long time ago)!
HAHA.. for reals i laughed in days.. Who'd imagine this asian dude haves a great singing voice.. damn.. props to this dude!
Check him out--> Huu!

"So go now to sing... so go now to sing.. i say it 2 times because it's replay" - Huu.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Paq yoo, I hab a sol!"

LOL! Dont take this video personally.. I'm a filipino too, i just thinks it's funny though..And YES we do have soul..filipino soul! xD!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thank you once again for answering my prayers.. Maraming salamat po =)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Find my way.


Friday, October 29, 2010

F you!

I stumbled at this song, when i was hearing "Fu*k You" by Cee Lo Green on youtube..
this is another song by him though.."What part of forever".

Sunday, October 24, 2010



This upcoming week:

I'll have my first intern at Martina Hansens Hospital - Ortopedic Surgery department..
I will be there and learning stuff in 7 weeks..

First time to have internship at a hospital, so
Wish me luck!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Don't Judge!

If only.


Friday, October 22, 2010



Got rice? NINJA!

LOL! oold times.. dont take this song personally though.. lol!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Amazing. no one is above them and no one is besides them..

These two is the greatest basketball player ever existed. end of discussion.

deviantart.com by kdavidbena.

#24 Kobe "Black Mamba" Bryant and #23 Michael "Air" Jordan..